

自 1996年11月至1997年10月進行金門近海地區陸域哺乳動物調查研究,沿金門與烈嶼環島高潮線之樣線調查,15條小獸類捕捉樣線之捕捉調查,及離島調查之結果,記錄金門近海與離島地區之陸域哺乳動物至少有水獺、錢鼠、家鼠(黃毛鼠)及家鼷鼠等。其中錢鼠屬廣泛分不,在15條捕捉樣線中的12條樣線 (包括青嶼)有捕獲1~4隻不等的記錄,此外,在大膽及二膽億記錄到錢鼠。家鼠僅在尚義、塔山、水頭、大嶼、青嶼有捕獲記錄,而在母嶼則發現一隻已乾透的家鼠屍骨,而在家鼷鼠則僅在謝厝與塔山樣線捕獲。


水獺排遺內含物的主要成分以魚的鱗片、骨與刺為主,此外亦包含哺乳類(應為囓齒類鼠科)的皮毛、鳥類的羽毛,爬蟲類的鱗片與脊椎骨,兩生類的骨骼,甲殼類 (包括螃蟹與長臂蝦)的螯與外殼、軟體類(腹足綱的蝸牛)和昆蟲類(全為水棲昆蟲鞘翅目龍蝨科的甲蟲)的外殼。其中魚類不論是出現頻度(98.5%)與相對重要性(91.4%)均居各類食物之首;比例次高者為甲殼類,出現頻度與相對重要性僅分別為13.3%和2.9%;總食性歧異度為1.2。內陸、沿海及離島所收集排遺內含物的差異不大,但沿海地區水獺排遺內昆蟲類的出現頻度(19.2%)與相對重要性(5.2%)均較其他地區高;而離島排遺的分析方面,由於1997年6月在大嶼收集的排遺中有相當高比例的蟹殼,而使甲殼類在離島排遺中佔相當重要的比例(出現頻度24.4%,相對重要性20.6%)。


Between November 1996 and October 1997, we surveyed the coastal areas of Kinmen, Little Kinmen and several nearby islets, and captured small mammal by setting up 15 trapping transects, to study the mammal fauna at these areas. The results indicated that these were at least four species of mammals, i.e. river otters(Lutra lutra), musk house shrew(Suncus murinus), house rat(Rattus rattus flevipectus) and house mouse (Mus musculus) inhabiting these areas. Among these species, the musk house shrew was most widely distributed, and could be captured at 12 of the 15 trapping transects. They could also be found on some islets, such as Da-dan, Er-dan. House rats were captured at five transects, whereas the house mice could only be captured along two transects.

Scats and tracks of otters could be found in most of the coastal areas. However, more scats and tracks were found along the rocky shore of the northeastern and southeast corners of Kimmen, and the sandy southern beach than along the west coast. Sings of otters could also be found on most islets nearby Kimmen. However, presence of otters on more remote islets such as Da-dan, Er-dan, Bei-din and Dong-din need further investigation. Information of several other mammal species captured in land, including tree squirrels and Japanese house bats, several species of water fowls sighted in various islets, and reports on sighting of dolphins were also recorded,

The main food category found in otters` scats was fish, although small quantities of remains of mammal (hairs), bird (feathers), reptile (scales and vertebrates), amphibian (bones), crustacean (crabs and shrimps), insects. (Dytiscidae), and mollusk (snails) were occasionally found in otter scats. The score of the frequency of occurrence (98.5%) and relative importance (91.4%) of fish in otters` scats were both much greater than that of other foos categories. The dietary diversity of otters was 1.2. The contents of scats collected in lakes, seashores and islets were similar. However, slightly more insects were found in scats collected along seashore, and slightly more crustacean were found in scats collected on islets.